
Wednesday 22 October 2014

It's a Dog's Life- How One Became Three

I've always considered myself more of a cat person than a dog person. I'm not saying you can't be both but as a child I was absolutely obsessed with cats, so much so that my family often joked that I would grow up to be a crazy cat lady ! so when a fortunate blending of families occurred and my now step dad arrived with the beautiful old dog Sky I was unaware how much my opinion would change. Sky is so sweet natured shes like a big cuddly teddy bear but she had always been quite sedate and quiet. She coped fairly well with the move from London and settled in to her new life as a country dog.

It wasn't until little George (the long haired chihuahua) came to visit and Sky really brightened up that we knew something hadn't been quite right with Her, you see before she moved from London she had a furry friend called misty who sadly passed away and it had affected her more than anyone had realized. Don't get me wrong she loved the attention of being an only dog and would follow us everywhere I think she just needed another four legged companion.

(my sisters dog George)

One day I was browsing on line ( and doing everything possible to not be doing what ever it was that I should have been doing at the time) when I found a post about an accidental litter of puppies who were looking for homes, one of the little furry jelly beans caught our eye. We arranged to go and see the puppies ( as responsible dog owners we knew that we should get an idea of the temperament of the parent dogs and the health of the pups) and there she was Coco our pretty little brindle girly.

And here she is now, shes grown up into such a loving little girl always nudging your arm and trying to get cuddles!

It was going to be a month before coco was ready to leave her mother so we made the arrangements and waited for our second fluff bundle to come home. I watched the litters progress as they grew up into slightly bigger fluffy jelly beans and that's when I noticed one of Coco's litter mates still didn't have a home, I really felt for the poor little chap! so when we visited our new girl I gave him a cuddle and my heart melted completely there was no question he would be joining our family too.

And here he is now such a handsome boy, he is just a ball of energy. (and sounds like a turkey when he whines)

When they finally came home it was clear that sky loved her new companions, she started to mother them instantly (and taught them all her naughty habits). In a flash Sky was her eternal puppy self, she seemed to have more energy and was just a brighter, happier dog. 

some people might think that it was a bit silly taking on 3 dogs at once but they have completed our family.

Don't get me wrong there where a few teething problems...

But they have grown up and settled in!

I can honestly say I couldn't be without any of my fur babies!


  1. For me, I'm more of a dog person. I can't remember a single day we didn't have a dog at home. These pictures make me remember our dogs. And miss them. Life with dogs is never dull. ;)

    1. What kind of dogs did you have lux? Its so true never a dull minute in this house :) xx

  2. I absolutely loved this post! It makes me so excited to get my little pug :) - maybe not so much after those teething photos though haha! I just need to try my best not to do what you did and bring home two :P I just have difficulty leaving things behind on their own. I couldn't even take my pet fish home without deciding to get the other one, simply because it was going to be left alone in the shop!

    1. Awww I love pugs! such cute little dogs :) don't worry the "teething" phase really doesn't last that long and there a tonnes of products like sprays you can use to discourage the little darlings from wrecking the place. I think its a true sign of having a good nature if you don't want to leave a living thing on its own xx
