
Sunday 26 October 2014

A very Lazy Sunday Afternoon

The clocks went back an hour last night meaning one more hour snuggled up in my wonderful bed...or so I thought. I woke up with a bit of a start thinking " Oh damn I've got to get up, so much stuff I need to get done!" Stupid brain! normally that's true but today it was Unbelievably far from the truth.

After a morning of Lazing about watching weekend tv (I love interior design shows but my favorite at the minute is George Clarks amazing spaces and there just so happened to be a few re-runs on this morning) and doing a bit of laundry I decided to go and visit the grandparents.

I practically grew up at my Nan & Bamp's house Mum and Dad worked pretty long hours so I was there after school every day and at the holidays with my brother and sister. My Nan often reminds me that she always knew when my brother and I were miss behaving as I have a very unique laugh when I'm up to no good.

I spent a good long while chatting with Nan in the garden and watching George running around like a loon with the wind up his tail, George is as mad as a box of frogs and absolutely will not sit still if anyone comes to visit. (I do believe I've told you about George before.)

Now Nan & Bamp have been told by the vet that George do  I put this nicely?....he is a little on the plump side. I beleive its those eyes that are responsible, how can you look into them and not relent and give him another treat? So when I come to visit I like to wind George up and keep him playing so he gets a tad more exercise and he makes the cutest faces.

I  was offered lots of tea and biscuits which I gladly accepted since Nan is the only one who will make tea that I will drink (I'm more of a coffee girl than a tea person, I think that has given me a complex about being rather un-british!)

So I used my extra hour today spending time with loved ones, how did you use yours?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very nice Sunday indeed. I, myself, have been seriously lazy today. However, tomorrow my hectic week restarts so I am firm believer that I deserve it :)
